Essential Tips For Renting Your First Apartment

Renting your first apartment is an exciting experience. You probably can't wait to get into your own space and start making it your home. However, there are a few tips you should definitely follow to ensure a good experience, both during move-in and throughout your stay at the apartment.

1. Visit apartments in person before you rent.

These days, you can find out a lot about an apartment online without physically having to see it. This is especially true if you rent from an apartment community, rather than from a private landlord. But even if you feel like you have a pretty good idea of what to expect from checking websites and reviews, you should see an apartment in person before renting. You never know if the photos you see online are old and changes have since been made since they were taken. Plus, it's hard to judge the size of the space from a photo.

2. Don't over-spend.

The general recommendation is to never spend more than one-third of your income on rent. You don't want to end up spending so much on rent that you do not have enough money for food, entertainment, and other expenses. Sit down, calculate what one-third of your income equates to, and then look for apartments below that price. Resist the urge to splurge on something more expensive. You can always move into a bigger, better apartment when your income increases in the future. For now, you want an apartment you can afford easily so you can enjoy the space without feeling financial stress.

3. Know which utilities are included.

Before you agree to rent an apartment, make sure you check which utilities are included in the rent. Do you need to separately pay for gas, internet, electricity, water, or garbage removal? Make sure you factor that into your cost. Also, ask the landlord or rental company who you need to call in order to have any of these utilities or services set up.

4. Don't forget to consider parking.

If you have a car, make sure you check into the parking situation before you rent. Is a space included? If you are expected to park on the street, are there generally spaces available? If you have guests, where can they park? If you don't have a car, then alternatively, you should consider how close an apartment is to the public transportation that you need to access.

With the essential tips below, you can have an easier and more enjoyable time renting your first apartment. For more information about avalible apartment rentals, contact a local real estate office.

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Quality Hotels and Lodging for the Thrifty Traveler

For our family, vacations are a great time to get out, go somewhere new, and experience and see new things. We like to pack as much as possible into each day of our vacation, and it often leaves us pretty tired by the end of the day. Come night time, it is great to be able to crash in a nice, comfortable hotel or other lodging. However, not all hotels and lodging are created equal, and it certainly helps to know how to get good deals on hotels that meet your quality and comfort standards. This blog is here to help ensure that you have a nice space to crash when you're on the road.

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